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(Inspired by ‘Ekushe Aain’ from the magical collection of Bengali poems ‘Abol Tabol’ by Sukumar Ray)


Strange the laws of Corona Land

Not everyone can understand

Just when the virus starts its spread

Get this quite straight in your head

Don’t go hanging out in town

Stay 21 days in lockdown


Should you want to stray around

And still ensure you’re safe and sound

Stay afar from everyone

Deny Corona its free run

Pick sanitisers from the stands

And 21 times, wash your hands


Closed are markets, shops and malls

Movie halls and roadside stalls

Time to tend to household chores

Make visits to the corner stores

Who knows how the future plays

Stock up for 21 days


The old and infirm please beware

The virus really doesn’t care

Who it bites and who goes free

It thrives on poor immunity

Build up strength and ring the chimes

Chant a hymn 21 times


If fever or a harsh dry cough

Or pains and aches makes going rough

Maybe the virus now has caught

It even perhaps maybe not

Quarantine must then be done

For 14 days or 21



This will not last, we will endure

To Corona we will show the door

Hold your patience, keep the trust

In trying times, this is a must

When this is past, we can afford

To 21 times, thank the Lord


09 April 2020

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